The beginning of SportEasy
Our brand was born from a passion for sport.
When done right, we believe that sport is a mind-set, a connection and a conversation. A powerful tool to promote heritage, friendship and respect. To break boundaries and build opportunities. To improve the world and celebrate our differences.
But it’s also an insane amount of work, especially for amateur clubs and coaches… Non-stop scheduling challenges. Tracking down forms and certificates. Coordinating with opposing teams. Trying to find out who’s available for the next match. In these modest sporting environments, the day-to-day headaches are handled by passionate, hard-working volunteers.
They’re proud of their role and love helping their club. But the whole process is incredibly messy – for everyone.
Our promise
That’s why we created SportEasy. We’re committed to radically simplifying sport and activity management and providing a superior experience for all.
Through digital technology and services, we offer a fun, friendly, ultra-efficient ecosystem that brings coaches, managers, players, parents and even vendors all together into a single convivial space.
You’ll be able to streamline tasks, improve communication, share your emotions, strengthen relationships and, most importantly, keep the team spirit going even long after the game is over.
Finally, spend less time solving problems and more time enjoying the game you love! SportEasy